Eugenia Piasecka-Zeylandowa

25.02.1899 – 5.01.1953

Chemist and bacteriologist

One of the most distinguished experts in the bacteriology of tuberculosis in Europe.

1917-1924 – studies in Cracow and Poznań

1924 – PhD degree

1937 – post-doctoral degree

She began studying medicine at the Jagiellonian University but her studies were interrupted by the outbreak of the First World War. In 1918-1919 she was working at the chemical and bacteriological laboratory at the Red Cross Hospital in Zakopane.

She returned to the University when Poland regained independence. She chose to study chemistry at the University of Poznań. However, once again she felt a calling to serve as a doctor. Eugenia once more left the university to work as a medic during the Polish-Soviet War. Then she continued her studies at the Faculty of Medicine established in 1920. After receiving the title of the Doctor of All Medical Sciences she was working at the Department of Microbiology. At the same time she was conducting with her husband research on the vaccine for tuberculosis.

She was awarded the post-doctoral degree and the right to give lectures in 1937 at the University of Warsaw. Few months later, however, she moved back to Poznań.


Main photo - Eugenia Piasecka-Zeylandowa