Zofia Małaczyńska-Suchcitzowa
16.05.1890 – 3.07.1974
Biologist, zoologist, histologist
A distinguished expert in the field of anatomy and physiology of crustaceans.
1908-1915 – studies in Lviv and Vienna
1930 – PhD degree
1948 – post-doctoral degree
1955 – professorship
Zofia began her academic career at the University of Lviv, where she studied biology and worked at the Department of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy. She specialised in the anatomy of crustaceans. Her first research paper on this subject was published in 1912.
An opportunity for further academic development was offered to her by the University of Poznań. However, it was voluntary work, which is why she had to earn additional money as a teacher at Poznań secondary schools. From 1919 she was conducting research at the Department of Zoology, working on her PhD thesis which she defended in 1930.
Because of the war she was forced to stop gathering materials for her post-doctoral thesis: she lost her notes and all the materials prepared so far. Eventually, she had to wait for her post-doctoral degree until 1948.