The power of an encounter. People who made Poznań

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Main photo - The power of an encounter. People who made Poznań

A kingdom of one language and one custom is weak and fragile…

Admonitiones (Admonitions)
Hungarian political treaty from the 11th c.

This year Poznań celebrates its 770th birthday! Exactly 770 years ago, in 1253, two dukes of the Wielkopolska Region, Przemysł I and his brother Bolesław the Pious, decided to start a new city by the Warta River. This first and important move contributed to the fact that for the next eight hundred years Poznań continued to become home for many people.

Among the inhabitants of Poznań, apart from the native community, have always been also newcomers from both territories just round the corner and faraway lands. This exhibition presents the history of Poznań from the perspective of the encounters between the local and arriving communities. Oftentimes, it was these encounters that led to the key moments in the development of the city.

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The power of an encounter. People who made Poznań