After 1989 the population growth, and, by default, the construction of new schools, slowed down. The net of existing educational institutions sufficed to satisfy the city’s needs. Only some redevelopment or extension works were carried out at schools. The new buildings could be counted on the fingers of one hand. Among them was an experimental school called ‘Łejery’ (the name comes from Poznań vernacular – it is an exclamation meaning ‘gee’ or ‘crikey’) and two traditional schools established in the districts of Strzeszyn and Umultowo. Łejery is like a breath of fresh air in the field of school architecture, but the two latter complexes are only there to provide additional space for education. Even this is a lot, as the urban planners did not think of providing any grounds for schools for some of the new residential areas (for example in Polanka).
illustration: Dariusz Zych