The end

The on-line exhibition was developed on the basis of materials from the temporary exhibition “The unduanted. Stories about Poznań crafts” presented in the Śluza Gallery from April 30 to October 2, 2022.


Concept: Marcin Muth

Script: Olga Tarczyńska-Polus, Anna Pikuła, Lucyna Kaczmarkiewicz, dr Dawid Barbarzak

Arrangement: Rafał Górczyński

Graphic design: Lucyna Kaczmarkiewicz

Photos and interviews: Marcin Muth

Script consultation: dr Grzegorz Glabisz

Accessibility: Lucyna Kaczmarkiewicz

Family programme: Dominika Karnowska, Małgorzata Patalas, Aleksandra Szubert, Weronika Wysk – students in the Faculty of Art Education and Curatorial Studies at the University of the Arts in Poznań under the supervision of Dr Marcin Szeląg

Translation into English: Dorota Piwowarczyk

Voice-over: Jan Jaszczak, Łukasz Rząca

Online version: Olga Tarczyńska-Polus

Coordination: Olga Tarczyńska-Polus

Production: Poznańskie Centrum Dziedzictwa


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